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Aidan Foster-Carter on the Demise of Kim Jong-il

Can’t be bothered to keep up with all the differing speculations as to whether Kim Jong-un is a reformer or not? Fortunately, you can take a short cut by listening to Aidan Foster-Carter at the LSE. As you will know, he is always an engaging and informative speaker – and not afraid to express his views. This will be a perfect opportunity to be brought up to date.

The Demise of Kim Jong Il and Its Impact on North East Asia Security

North Korea event posterSpeaker: Mr Aidan Foster-Carter
Chair: Professor Arne Westad
Thursday 4 October 2012, 6:30-8:00PM C.OL 2.01

The emergence of Kim Jong-un as North Korea’s new leader will have a significant impact on international affairs in East Asia. What kind of changes are likely, and what could be their impact on the wider region? Kim Jong-Il has cast a long shadow over the strategic balance in North East Asia. IDEAS East Asia Programme hosts this exclusive lecture with one of the very best Korean experts in the UK. We aim to disentangle his demise and its crucial impact on security of North East Asia

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(automatically generated) Read LKL’s review of this event here.

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