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Korean Studies Publishing in Europe – SOAS Workshop

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Please find below the details of a Korean Studies Publishing in Europe Workshop and book launch taking place on Monday 16 June 2008.

The event will take place at SOAS in the Khalili Lecture theatre at 1pm. It coincides with the publication of the “Selected Writings of Han Yong-un” by Global Oriental, stalwarts of Korean Studies publishing, a representative of whom will be speaking at the conference. Also represented will be Saffron Books – a niche publisher with a Korean specialism – and Brill, who publish the Korea Yearbook among other things. There’s a review of one of Saffron’s publications coming very soon on LKL, just as soon as I can check a fact.

Click on the below for a full-size version of the flyer

Publishing workshop flyer

Details of the Han Yong-un book from the Global Oriental website:

This volume concentrates on translations of Han Yongun’s principal non-literary works, which are published here in English for the first time, focusing on his ideas for the revitalization of Korean Buddhism in the modern world, the nature of Buddhism as a religion, a critique of atheist movements fashionable among the communists of his time, together with his memoirs of his early life and travels.

Han Yongun bookOne of Korea’s most eminent Buddhists and political activists in the independence movement during the long years of Japan’s colonization of his country, Han Yongun – sobriquet ‘Manhae’ (1879-1944), was a prolific writer and outstanding poet, known especially for his poetry collection Nim ui ch’immuk (‘The Silence of the Lover’).

Selected Writings of Han Yongun, published in collaboration with The Academy of Korean Studies, also contains supportive introductory essays on Manhae’s life, his relationship with socialist ideas as well as the significance of some of the ideas discussed in the translated writings.

Students and researchers in Korean Studies, Studies in Buddhism, in particular Zen Buddhism, and Comparative Religions will find this collection an invaluable source of reference.

Full details of the conference programme are as follows:

1.00pm Opening remarks (Anders Karlsson)

1.10pm Session 1: Scholarship and translation across borders (Chair: Grace Koh)

  • Keith Howard: ‘Korean and Western Scholarship: Divergence or Convergence’
  • Anders Karlsson: ‘Publishing Korean literature in Swedish’

2.40pm Tea and coffee

3.00pm Session 2: Publishers’ roundtable (Chair: Jim Hoare)

  • With short presentations from Sajid Rizvi (Saffron Books), Albert Hofstadt (Brill) and Paul Norbury (Global Oriental)

4.00pm Tea and coffee

4.20pm Session 3: Providing materials on Korea for university students (Chair: Jaehoon Yeon / Owen Miller)

  • Vladimir Tikhonov: ‘Our own textbook problem: Korean history textbooks in English’
  • Charlotte Horlyck: ‘Publishing on Korean art history’

6.00pm Finish

6.30-8.00pm Book Launch for Selected Writings of Han Yongun (in Khalili Lecture Theatre foyer). The book launch will include a talk by the translator Prof. Tikhonov, a Korean dance performance and a wine reception.

(automatically generated) Read LKL’s review of this event here.