London Korean Links

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Exhibition news: Secondary Sensation, at I-MYU

Details of I-MYU’s June exhibition:

Secondary Sensation

Sungjin Kim / Jihye Park / Yujung Chang
12 June – 7 July 2008

Secondary Sensation

I-MYU-Projects is pleased to present Secondary Sensation a group show of works by emerging Korean artists, Sungjin Kim, Jihye Park and Yujung Chang. The works introduce an idea of dislocation, fiction and process layered as mismatched entities, repetitions that render the representation of an image as a ‘secondary sensation’ or aftershock, an echo of a synthetic original.

SUNGJIN KIM’S large scale paintings point to a highly charged sensory aspect of the human body, the lips. The works have a hyperrealism derived from their photographic source, and a hyper artificiality created by it. Heightened by close cropping the works move beyond the parameters of the body and take on a language of landscape. Their ambiguity of form blurs representational distinctions and informs conceptual ones. In line with this the divergent and seemingly contradictory functions of the mouth, of consumption and communication come to the fore.

JIHYE PARK constructs tension within the pose and articulation of her painted female subjects, a tension played out as figures turn and tilt their heads away from view, or conversely adopt directly confrontational poses, penetrable gazes solicited from behind elaborately decorated Venetian masks. The paintings articulate an uncertainty of focus replicating the vastly varied the depth of field found in early photography, and conversely the masks Park uses become a further parallel to this as objects that disguise, omit and obstruct.

YUJUNG CHANG’S reduced paintings of interior spaces, objects and still life compositions are derived from photographs taken by the artist. Closely cropped and intricately composed Chang transposes these into realist paintings that become ‘secondary’ conceits as they are themselves photographed and printed onto canvases as the final outcome of the work.

For further information please call: 0207 033 4480, or email: [email protected]
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday 12-6 or by appointment


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