London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Meet Mister Kim. Now.

It’s the publishing event of 2008. More hotly anticipated than the latest Harry Potter, and certainly more entertaining, Jennifer Barclay’s Meeting Mr Kim, or How I went to Korea and learned to love kimchi, is in the shops now, priced at just £7.99.

Meeting Mr Kim cover

Jen’s trip to Korea was actually back in 2000, so this little baby has been a while gestating, but it’s been brought bang up to date, as it starts with an account of the 2007 Korean Food Festival in New Malden.

MMK Endorsements

Congratulations, Jen. I’m sure we’ll find an excuse for a launch party soon. Amazon still says it’s going to be published on 4 August, but I picked up my copy at Daunt last night.


  • Buy Meeting Mr Kim at (it’s not yet listed on the US site)