London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

April Events 2012

So-yeon with her peacock feather
So-yeon with her peacock feather: Song Il-gon’s Feathers in the Wind at the KCC this month

Sorry for the late posting – just returned from 10 days in Korea with no computer or time available for blogging. I’ll update this post with links and anything I’ve missed as I get more time. If you spot any obvious omissions (this list was prepared in great haste) do let me know.

Music and Theatre



Meet-ups and gatherings

  • The Anglo Korean Society diners gather on 3 April at Arang
  • The British Korean Womens Society meets for lunch at the In and Out, also on 3 April
  • The London Korean Language Meetup Group and the K-pop teams will be having their usual gatherings.
  • Kie-jo Sarsfield runs her cookery classes on 14, 21 and 28 April. Contact [email protected] for more information.


  • SOAS’s big day-and-a-half symposium on Korean music and dance is on 13 and 14 April, with a concert on the Friday night.
  • SOAS’s free evening seminars are Monday 16 April (Inventing the “Lesser Middle Kingdom (小中華)”: Early Chosŏn’s dispatch of Kyŏngchagwan (敬差官) to Jurchen and Tsushima Regions) and Friday 27 April (A New Perspective on Korean Society: the Role of Descent Groups in Korea’s Long History)


2 thoughts on “April Events 2012

  1. Thanks. I also added another exhibition which I found out about today, plus two SOAS evening seminars

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