LKL has been interviewed three times in the past three weeks.
- Easiest was Yonhap, an unrecorded newspaper interview where it was easy to chat at the same time as being interviewed, and where you could clarify and explain to ensure that you were understood properly. No time restriction. I don’t know what the write-up was like, but the conversation felt fine.
- Next easiest, and most fun, was Monocle 24 – chatting to two well-briefed individuals face-to-face, but on live radio. We were against the clock, and my interviewers wanted to talk about things I wasn’t well up on, but looking back I was happy with how it went. They were dead easy to talk to. It helped that I’d seen them in action for 45 minutes and kind of got to know their style in advance.
- And the messiest, and one I want to forget: a phone interview with Arirang Radio‘s Morning Call for their 10 August show. I was warmed up by one of the production team, and that felt fine. But then I was up against the DJ, against the clock (though I didn’t know the time allocation). Didn’t get on to what I wanted to talk about. Had no rapport. They had emailed me 10 questions beforehand but we only got through five of them. Probably means I bored the DJ senseless. And stupidly, I didn’t even make sure that the three words “London,” “Korean” and “Links” were mentioned consecutively. So annoyed with myself. And to think I sacrificed going to a film I really wanted to see (Lee Yoon-ki’s This Charming Girl at the KCC) to get home and await their phone call. Not sure I want to do a phone interview again. A learning experience.