London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Seasons Greetings, and enjoy our favourite seasonal tune: “Christmas Snowing” from Yell Owe Jam

Best wishes to all LKL’s readers, contributors and supporters, and thanks for staying with us over the past twelve months. We’ll be taking a break for a couple of days.

Yell Owe Jam

Until we return, please enjoy this lovely Chritmas song from Yell Owe Jam, with vocalist Yedda (aobve left) and saxophonist Kim Heecheol. Thanks to our friends over at London Korean Times for introducing this band, who deserve more airtime.

And for those of you who want to follow the lyrics, and their Korean translation, here they are. Thanks to Kim Heecheol for the lyrics and for emailing me the MP3 (which is now playing constantly on my iPod).

Christmas Snowing
Yell Owe Jam
크리스마스 눈이 와요!
옐로우 잼
You’ll Never Miss Snow
Till Christmas Begins
Comes Only Winter Time
When You Wish Snowy DaysI’ll Never Miss You Baby
Till Christmas Begins
Comes Only Winter Time
And You’ll Hold Me Tight

There’s Nothing So Sad
Nothing So Happy
It Looked Like
Everything Is Going All Right
We are Feeling Down
When Nothing Happen
We Still Got A Time
When The Snow Is Falling

Merry Christmas Snowing
Can’t Wait Till You Wake Up Me
Merry Christmas Call Me
Can’t Wait Till You Hold Me

I Can’t Take Your Loneliness
That You Have All The Day
But I’ll Give My Love
That’s Always Always You Need

Merry Christmas Snowing
Can’t Wait Till You Wake Up Me
Merry Christmas Call Me
Can’t Wait Till You Hold Me

눈이 오길 바란다면
크리스마스가 온 거죠
겨울에만 오는 거죠
하얀 눈을 바라는 그런 날에요당신이 오길 바란다면
크리스마스가 온 거죠
겨울에만 오세요
그럼 날 꽉 안아줄 수 있어요

세상에서 슬프기도 하고
가장 기쁘기도 한 것이 있어요
그건 마치
모든 것이 평범하게 흐르는 시간이죠
우리는 우울해하죠
나에게 아무 일도 일어나지 않아서요
하지만 아직은 기회가 있어요
눈이 내리고 있거든요

즐거운 크리스마스 눈이 와요
날 깨울 때까지 참을 수가 없어요
크리스마스에 나에게 전화해요
날 안아 줄 때까지 참을 수가 없어요

당신의 외로움이 떨쳐질 순 없어요
항상 우리가 가지고 있는 것이니까요
하지만 나의 사랑을 줄께요
우리가 항상 항상 필요로 하는

즐거운 크리스마스 눈이 와요
날 깨울 때까지 참을 수가 없어요
크리스마스에 나에게 전화해요
날 안아 줄 때까지 참을 수가 없어요

One thought on “Seasons Greetings, and enjoy our favourite seasonal tune: “Christmas Snowing” from Yell Owe Jam

  1. You have a wonderful christmas and happy 2013. thank you all my kind friends. God bless you..

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