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So long, Ms Jeon, and thanks for everything

Ms Jeon Hye-jung at the LKFF 2014
Ms Jeon Hye-jung at the LKFF 2014 (image courtesy KCCUK)

Those of you who have read your May / June KCC newsletter diligently will already know this (and those of you that haven’t can download it here): Ms Jeon has decided to move on from the KCCUK. Her last day there was 24 April.

Ms Jeon has been working for the promotion of Korean culture in the UK since 2006. This was two years before the actual opening of the KCC in its premises near Trafalgar Square. Working with a small team from space in the ROK Embassy, she masterminded the first of the KCC’s film festivals (at the Odeon Covent Garden, in late September 2006), and this year will be the 10th of those festivals.

Back in 2012, when we reviewed the KCC’s achievements of the Olympic year, in particular the series of cultural events branded All Eyes on Korea, we suggested that the ambitious programme was only possible because of the sustained investment in relationship-building with key UK venues and organisations. And of course Ms Jeon was one of the key people at the KCCUK who built those relationships.

In her time at the KCC Ms Jeon has built up an enviable list of contacts, but although at times it might have seemed that she was the most prominent face of the KCC at the various public events, she was part of a larger team, and we look forward to welcoming the achievements of the next generation of staff over the coming months.

Ms Jeon with the team of staff and volunteers for LKFF 2014 (image courtesy KCCUK)
Ms Jeon with the team of staff and volunteers for LKFF 2014 (image courtesy KCCUK)

We wish Ms Jeon all the best for her future endeavours, and look back with gratitude at the work that she and her team has done over the years in bringing Korean culture to London.

One thought on “So long, Ms Jeon, and thanks for everything

    • Paul Quinn: Great article. Really speaks of how much everyone will miss Ms Jeon.
    • Colette Balmain: I will miss her so much. Such a great ambassador for Korean culture.
    • Alice Bennell: Wow, I can’t believe Jeon Hye-jung has left KCC. Even before the KCC was opened, she worked so tirelessly to promote Korean Culture. I wish her all the best.
    • Annie Maria: Oh I didn’t realise. Good luck for the future and thank you!

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