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Conference news: Conceptions of ‘Life’ and ‘Nature’ in Classical Discourses

SOAS’s Centre of Korean Studies is presenting a one-day conference tomorrow. The event is free and open to the public – no booking is required.

Conceptions of ‘Life’ and ‘Nature’ in Classical Discourses

The new SOAS logo9 October 2015, 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Venue: 21/22 Russell Square Room: T101 and T102


Presentations in Korean will be summarised in English and accompanied by a paper in English translation.

Time Description

Morning Session (10am-12.15pm, room T101)


Panel 1: Critical Perspectives

Chair: Owen Miller (SOAS, University of London)


  • Daeyeol Kim (INALCO), 자연과생명에대한조선시대학자들의인식과태도 (Chosŏn scholars’ views on life and nature)
  • Chi-young Jung (Academy of Korean Studies), 유산기로본조선시대사대부들의산에대한장소이미지 (Chosŏn literati’s place image of mountains in travel accounts)
  • Grace Koh (SOAS, University of London), Aesthetic conceptions of life and nature in Koryŏ literary narratives

Discussant: Kevin Cawley (University College Cork)


Lunch break

Afternoon Session (1.30-5.30pm, room T102)


Panel 2: Korean Literary Traditions

Chair: Jaehoon Yeon (SOAS, University of London)


  • Ik-cheol Shin (Academy of Korean Studies), 18세기조선풍(朝鮮風) 한시에반영된자연관과첨신(尖新)의미학 (Conceptions of nature and aesthetics of new trends in 18th century Chosŏn classical Chinese poetry)
  • Hyung-dae Lee (Korea University), 조선시대산수전원시가와낭만주의시의자연과생명 (Life and nature in late Chosŏn nature poetry and Romantic poetry)

Discussant: Anders Karlsson (SOAS, University of London)


Coffee break


Panel 3: Western Perceptions

Chair: Jaeho Kang (SOAS, University of London)


  • Eun-Jin Jeong (INALCO), 19세기말프랑스기행문에나타난타자의식과자연관 – 샤를르 바라의「조선여행」을중심으로 (Conceptions of nature and ‘the other’ in late 19th century French travelogues: Charles Varat’s Voyage en Corée)
  • Yoong-hee Jo (Academy of Korean Studies), 19세기말영국인의금강산여행과한국적자연미의재발견 (Korean nature rediscovered through foreign eyes: Mount Kŭmgang in late 19th century British travel literature)

Discussant: James B. Lewis (University of Oxford)


Roundtable discussion