Two Korean experimental musicians return to Cafe OTO, eight years after their last appearance.
Jin Sangtae + Choi Joonyong – MATINEE
Sunday 6 October 2019, 2pm
Cafe OTO | 18–22 Ashwin Street | Dalston | London E8 3DL
Tickets £8 | £6 advance | £4 members | Book tickets
Please note that this is a matinee show – doors will open at 2pm and the performance will start shortly after.
Jin Sangtae (photo Hyun-Seok Lee)
Jin Sangtae
Jin Sangtae performs with non-musical objects collected through his experience, projected into instruments, and then re-organised into space. He uses hard drives and several materials that can be connected as the main instrument, and he also plays laptops, radios, car horns and electronics.
He’s been uploading online his composition ‘Year’ via mobile phone every day since 2015. He founded ‘dotolim’ (a small space for improvised music) and has been organising the ‘dotolim concert series’ since 2008 as well as the festival ‘dotolimpic’ in 2012, 2013 and 2017.
venue ‘dotolim’
Choi Joonyong
Choi Joonyong is from Seoul, South Korea. He founded Astronoise (the first noise project in Korea) with Hong Chulki in 1996. He is interested in control and failure of playing by improvisation and composition. Recently he is working on performances focusing on inferior sound/playing. He has released six solo albums such as DANTHRAX which is made with the malfunction of CD-player. He produces and designs albums of a label called ‘Balloon & Needle’ since 2000. He also plays bass guitar in a doom metal band ‘Vomit & Tear’ with members of SklavenTanz.