With apologies for late notice, there’s an online talk with Zadie Xa later today hosted by the David Roberts Art Foundation. Xa has had a few performances in London over the past couple of years, most recently at Art Night 2019. I’ll certainly be registering for this one.
Online event – talk will start promptly after 5pm, Thursday 21 May – event login link will be sent out in advance to those that have registered. Please note that without the link you cannot join the event live. Previous talks are published on the DRAF YouTube channel.
Zadie Xa: Grandmother Mago, 2019. Performance part of Meetings on Art, 58th Venice Biennale, 2019. Image courtesy the artist and Delfina Foundation. Photo: Riccardo Banfi
Artist Zadie Xa will be speaking about her performance practice with Amy Budd, Curator, Projects and Exhibitions at Modern Art Oxford.
This event is part of a series of online conversations, co-hosted by DRAF and Performance Exchange. The webcast talks feature artists, curators and other cultural practitioners engaged in live work.
As organisations both being dedicated to performance and event-based art practices, this collaboration is born from the need to keep supporting these practices, perhaps now more urgently than ever. In creating this platform together, we want to share artistic projects and ideas with our audiences, whilst thinking through different cultural infrastructure that works for performance in times of social isolation. We will be announcing these conversations via our digital channels so please do keep an eye on @draf_art or subscribe to our newsletter.
About DRAF
DRAF (David Roberts Art Foundation) is an independent, non-profit organisation for contemporary art dedicated to the transformative forces of the art encounter. DRAF has welcomed over 130,000 visitors to thought-provoking and challenging international programmes including exhibitions, commissions, performances and discussions, since it was founded in 2007.
DRAF provides an enriching and progressive platform for artistic and critical rigour connecting artists, writers, cultural producers and the public. Fostering creative partnerships with institutions across the UK and abroad, we nurture and support the discovery of new ways of thinking and risk-taking through our commissions and presentations of ambitious work.
Performance Exchange is a dispersed performance project across commercial galleries in London, some of which will also be hosting performances from international galleries in July 2020.
Highlighting the work done by commercial galleries to support multi-disciplinary and performance practice, Performance Exchange will create new forms of support for collecting performance art through a three day programme of presentations combined with detailed acquisition information for each work on an innovative digital platform.