London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Korean crafts at Collect 2022

Collect returns to Somerset House later this month. Han Collection will be there with their tempting array of ceramics from Icheon, while Lloyd Choi Gallery represents a broader range of crafts from across the country. In addition, expect to find the occasional Korean artist represented by non Korean specialist galleries: for example: Cube Gallery will … [Read More]

Korean Crafts at Collect 2019

I always enjoy visiting Collect – and not just for the Korean exhibitors. Obviously, though, it’s the Korean galleries that attract my attention the most, and it’s good to see the Korean Craft and Design Foundation back for their sixth year. They always present a high quality selection of work; but for me the highlight … [Read More]

Korean crafts at Collect 2018

In addition to the major Korean exhibitors listed below, glass artist Choi Keeryong will be in the Scotland Craft & Design collection, and textile artist Kang Soojin will be with jaggedart. Collect 2018 Saatchi Gallery | Duke of York’s HQ | King’s Road | London SW3 4RY Thursday 22 February, 12pm – 7pm Friday 23 … [Read More]