Kiejo Sarsfield tells how a housewife from Masan ended up supervising dinner for 60 in a Cambridge college. In March I had e-mail from Dr Michael Shin, Lecturer in Korea Studies and fellow at Robinson College Cambridge, about a Korean food event he was planning to organise in a couple of months. He was asking me whether I would be interested … [Read More]
LKL articles by Kiejo Sarsfield
A trip to the historic city of Jeonju, home of the bibimbap
My visit to Korea in October 2012 was planned to attend the Jeonju International Fermented Food Expo. Well, when I arrived from Seoul, actually it was more like a busy city market day, with some fermented salted fish stalls and a local food exhibition. I felt slightly let down. But I had not visited this … [Read More]
A perfect reinvention of Korean traditional flavours for a modern banquet
Korean cookery writer and teacher Kiejo Sarsfield decomposes the menu served at the KCCUK’s fifth birthday banquet. The Korean Cultural Centre is perfectly situated near Trafalgar Square. I still remember when it was opened, I could not believe the location: it simply could not get any better that this. The centre sits in the middle … [Read More]
A visit to Seoul’s Noryangjin Fish Market
Whenever I am in Korea, I always visit the markets, especially the fish markets. I love looking at all the fish and seafood — the colours and shapes, the noise — all of it. They are my childhood memories. On the third day of my last trip, I went to Noryangjin fish market (노량진 수산시장), … [Read More]