The Future of Silence: Fiction by Korean Women Translated and Edited by Bruce & Ju-Chan Fulton Zephyr Press, 2016, 193pp When an unexpected book-shaped package landed on my doormat in April 2016 I eagerly opened it, wondering what was inside. I was slightly less enthusiastic when I discovered that it was a collection of short stories … [Read More]
Author: Gong Sun-ok (공선옥 1963-)
Selected publications by Gong Sun-ok
- People I Left in Shanghai (Bi-lingual, Vol 47 – Diaspora) (상하이에 두고 온 사람들) tr Jeon Seung-hee, Asia Publishers 2014
Short stories in anthologies
- The Flowering of our Lives (우리 생애의 꽃, 1994) in: