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Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea

Publisher: , 2005
Link to online store *

Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea deals with issues of tradition, modernity, and identity in modern and contemporary Korean art. On a deeper level, this is one of the only books of its kind in English that exposes readers to specific artists and their works, an especially useful resource for those who wish to know more than just surface level facts about Korean art.

  1. Introduction
  2. Colonial Modernity Contested
    1) The Emergence of Modern Art and Artists
    2) Expressions of Modernity
    3) Art Exhibitions
  3.  The Spread of International Modernism
    1) Reconstruction and Post-Korean War Art
    2) Korean Art Informel
  4.  Identity and Tradition Reconsidered
    1) The Monochrome Art Movement
    2) Minjung Art
    3) Revival of and Innovation in Ink Painting
  5. Today’s Contemporary Korean Art
    1) The Lure of International Art
    2) Korean Artists Overseas
  6. The Other Half: Art in North Korea

Source: publisher’s website:

LKL says:

Despite being shorter than the same author’s 20th Century Korean Art this one is more balanced and has more detail on on one or two areas, for example minjung art and more recent developments. Highly recommended.

LKL rating: score-2score-2score-2score-2score-2. Read our review of this book here.

External links:

* Where the book is available from a number of sources, they are prioritised as follows: (1) Amazon UK site, or for the more recent uploads (2) Amazon US site (3) Other sites in US or Europe, including second-hand outlets (4) LTI Korea, where the title is advertised as available from there (5) Onlines stores in Korea. Links to and Amazon UK site contain an affiliate code which, should you make a purchase, gives a small commission to LKL at no additional cost to you.