London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

A Korean folk-art inspiration for Abba costume?

Burning issue of 2015: was Frida from Abba’s 1975 Owe Sandström designed cat costume inspired by this Korean 민화 (‘minhwa’, folk art) tiger painting? A lengthy Google trawl revealed nothing conclusive. The Abba museum in Stockholm replicates the design on mugs, t shirts and keyrings but to me they look like souvenirs from Insadong. You … [Read More]

Free Minhwa classes at the KCC

KAA member Eun-jung Feleppa will be giving free classes in Korean folk painting at the KCC. The weekly classes will be held on Thursday early evening, 5pm – 7pm. Application forms can be downloaded from the KCC website. More details below: Minhwa: Korean Painting Classes The Korean Cultural Centre UK is now taking applications for … [Read More]

Kkokdu – a cortege’s colourful attendants

Accompanying the KCC’s exhibition of Korean funerary figures, Charlotte Horlyck gave a helpful lecture providing some historical background and context to these colourful wooden characters. The talk was particularly valuable as the introduction provided by the director of the Kkokdu Museum a few weeks previously had lacked much content. While generally admitting that not much … [Read More]

Funeral Figurines: A Unique Art Form of Traditional Korea

The opening talk of the current KCC exhibition, presented by the director of the museum who has provided the exhibits, was a little short on information on these charming funeral dolls. So Charlotte Horlyck’s upcoming talk is very welcome. Funeral Figurines: A Unique Art Form of Traditional Korea Global Korea Lecture: ‘Korean Culture Shining Bright’ … [Read More]

Korean Funerary Figures: Companions for the Journey to the Other World – the KCC’s summer exhibition

It’s been a while since we’ve had an exhibition at the KCC. But the buildings maintenance is now complete and the floor in pristine condition. This exhibition, part of All Eyes on Korea, will see us through the summer months, and into our next lives. Korean Funerary Figures: Companions for the Journey to the Other … [Read More]

Minhwa – Case Study of Joseon Chaekkado / Chaekkori

A reminder of the SOAS seminar on Friday: should be a good one – Dr Youngsook Pak on Chaekkori Time: 17.00-19.00, 18 November 2011 Title: Folk Painting (Minhwa) – Case Study of Joseon Chaekkado / Chaekkori Speaker: Youngsook Pak Venue: Room G50, Ground floor, SOAS, Russell Square Abstract A screen depicting bookshelves (ch’aekkado or … [Read More]

Mudang and minhwa

When we think of pre-modern Korean aesthetics, we think of the restrained tones of Koryo celadon, of the austere white of Choson porcelain, the subdued tones of Chong Son’s landscape paintings. But, as Charlotte Horlyck reminded us in her introduction to the informative day of decorative arts and folk customs at SOAS, that is only … [Read More]

Art for the People, Art by the People

Beccy Kennedy muses on an unnoticed exhibition at the Korean Cultural Centre: Korean Folk Painting on White Porcelain : Kim So Sun (30 January – 28 March 2008) There is another exhibition on at the new Korean Cultural Centre at the moment and it doesn’t involve vociferous video installations by trans-cultural 20th century big wigs. … [Read More]