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Selected publications

  • Booklist: Graphic novels and webtoons (37 titles)
    • Children’s books – the latest translation trend?

      In this month’s edition of World Literature Today, Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp draws attention to a number of recent publications of translated children’s books coming from Korea. She speculates: The interest in the Korean children’s market may have been spurred by innovative illustrator, animator, and artist Baek Heena being named the 2020 laureate of the Astrid … [Read More]

      Grass: Keum Suk Gendry-Kim in conversation with Janet Hong

      July’s literature event organised by the KCCUK features a well-received graphic novel. Author Keum Suk Gendry-Kim and translator Janet Hong will give a live virtual talk about her novel ‘Grass’. Following the talk, author Kim will respond to questions from the audience. Grass by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim, translated by Janet Hong Wednesday 28 July 2021 … [Read More]

      A look back at the 2018 literary year

      A look back at the books and literary events of the year – and a summary of my reading diary. Literature in translation In translated fiction, my reading this year has not managed anywhere near to keep pace with the amount of translations being published. I know I said the same in respect of 2017 … [Read More]

      LBF event, 8 Apr 7pm: Toon Talk with Yoon Tae-ho

      The third of six evening events during London Book Fair week, which unfortunately overlaps with a session with Yi Mun-yol at the British Library. Toon Talk: Webtoons, A New Trend in Korean Digital Comics 8 April, 19.00-20.00 A special talk with Korean webtoon writer, Yoon Tae-ho, famous for his unique works such as Moss, later … [Read More]

      Manhwa – the colours of Korean comics: three weeks of Manhwa at the KCC and Foyles

      Three years ago we had an interesting exhibition at the KCC celebrating 100 years of Korean manhwa. November’s exhibition returns to the manhwa theme, with five prominent artists coming to London. Manhwa – Korean Story & Painting 2012, The Colours of Korean Comics 2012 Manhwa Art Exhibition : The Colour of Change at Korean Cultural … [Read More]

      The depiction of famine in North Korean comics

      A reminder of this Friday’s talk at SOAS: A New Deal: comic story representations of food issues in post-famine North Korea Speaker: Martin Petersen (University of Copenhagen) Date: 25 November 2011, 5:00 – 7:00 PM Venue: Russell Square, College Building, Room G50 Abstract In the mid to late 1990s North Korea went through a famine … [Read More]

      A manhwa artist at war

      The Manhwa exhibition at the Korean Cultural Centre finished this week, in preparation for the new Living Heritage exhibition. It was an interesting exhibition, giving some of the history of manhwa from its beginnings in early twentieth century newspapers, to the graphic novels which are avidly consumed today and which form a major part of … [Read More]

      The Manhwa 100 Workshop

      Celebrating a Centenary of Korean Comics The Korean Cultural Centre Tuesday 23rd June 2009 ‘Finding Your Own Way’ With Damian Gascoigne As a culmination of this summer’s centenary celebrations of Manhwa at the Korean Cultural Centre UK, we are proud to announce that the guest speaker for The Manhwa 100 Workshop will be established illustrator; … [Read More]

      Ragnarok – one of Korea’s top manhwa

      Manhwa in Korea was born 100 years ago. From their beginnings as cartoons in the newspapers, they have grown into long-running graphic novel serials with spin-offs in online games and big screen adaptations. Among the most celebrated of modern Manhwa series are Priest (Hyung Min-woo) and Ragnarok (Lee Myung-jin). Both of these have been translated … [Read More]