Continuing some suggestions of what to do when you’re stuck at home… Many of you will already be aware that the Korean Film Archive has a wonderful YouTube Channel with loads of classic Korean movies, with English subtitles, available for free. Thing is, I’ve never found an index of the channel. So, over the years … [Read More]
Director: Lee Doo-yong
A new year gift from the Korean Film Archive
Those nice people at the Korean Film Archive have given us a new year gift, in the form of twenty-one English subtitled classic movies newly uploaded to their YouTube channel. At least two of these have been available on subtitled DVD before (Come, Come, Come Upward and Gingko Bed) but I’m assuming these are new, … [Read More]
London Korean Film Festival 2017: full programme details
Details of the programme for the 2017 London Korean Film Festival were announced earlier this evening at the fun-packed and blood-spattered final teaser screening (Jung Byung-gil’s The Villainess). The detailed schedule is right at the bottom of this page, and the below press release gives us plenty to mull over in terms of the individual … [Read More]
Autumn 2017 season of lectures at SOAS
Here are the seminars announced for the Autumn 2017 season at SOAS. Check the SOAS website for updates. 29/09/17 Reimagining the Self: North Korean Multiple Migrants’ Remaking Time and Place in Contemporary Japan Dr Markus Bell 06/10/17 The Confucian (Im)perfection of Renunciation – Implications of holding and abandoning a public position for Joseon literati Dr. … [Read More]
February is classic film month at the KCC
The Korean Cultural Centre has now been screening Korean films on a bi-weekly basis for a year now since the centre has opened. And to celebrate their year anniversary, they are delighted to present to you the Korean classic film series, which begins on Thursday 5 February with the screening of Han Myeong-mo’s classic Hyperbola … [Read More]