It would be an understatement to say that the cultural year 2020 has been markedly different from previous years. The pandemic has had a huge impact on the cultural scene, with most live events cancelled and event promoters falling back on the internet to provide us with our cultural fixes. Some of these attempts have … [Read More]
Musician: Hey String (헤이스트링)
K-music 2020 online: Hey String
For me, Hey String were the highlight of K-music 2019. So it’s great to see that they’ve got another gig this year. K-Music Specials I: Hey String Friday 6 November, 7pm Watch at or Gayageum trio Hey String push beyond the limitations of traditional performance in a full force of interplaying melodies and … [Read More]
K-music 2020: the official press release
Despite the pandemic, Serious and the KCCUK have arranged a great line-up for K-music this year. Bookended by live performances to open and close the festival, there’s a range of exciting online performances which involve new collaborations between favourite K-music artists from the past as well as some new names. We’ve already posted about the … [Read More]
A review of the Korean cultural year 2019
A review of some of the highlights and trends in the Korean cultural year, primarily in London but also with half an eye to anything we might have seen elsewhere in the UK. The review is a personal one, inevitably skewed towards the events we managed to get to. Introduction This time last year I … [Read More]
Gig review: Kyungso Park, SB Circle + Hey String
Isn’t it refreshing when a band exceeds expectations? When you were expecting something pretty good, and you get something astoundingly good. When the newbie support band has the class to headline their own gig. OK, to call the gayageum trio Hey String a newbie band neglects to mention their success as prizewinners in Seoul Namsan … [Read More]
K-music 2019: Kyungso Park: SB Circle + Hey String, 29 Oct @Purcell Room
Kyungso Park returns to London with her new ensemble, a collaboration with saxophonist Shin Hyunpil. Kyungso Park: SB Circle + Hey String Tuesday 29 October 2019, 7:45pm Southbank Centre / Purcell Room | Belvedere Road | London SE1 8XX Tickets £15 + booking fee | Book tickets A Southbank Centre takeover pushing gayageum to its … [Read More]
The 2019 K-Music festival: the official press release
The schedule for the 2019 K-Music festival was released last month, giving everyone the time to plan their diaries. Here, rather belatedly (it’s been a busy few weeks), is the official press release. Tickets are already on sale. K-Music 2019 London’s Festival of Korean Music Thurs 3 Oct: Jambinai, Purcell Room Sun 6 Oct: Celebrate … [Read More]