In this emotionally charged and vibrant film from Davy Chou, a young French woman returns to Korea for the first time since her adoption. A surprising and deliciously sleek movie, Return To Seoul follows Freddie (Park Ji-min), who, on-a-whim, travels to Korea, where she’s persuaded into seeking out her biological family. This is only the … [Read More]
Tag: Adoptees
Selected publications
- Nicole Chung: A Living Remedy, Ecco Books 2023
- Anthology: Korean Diaspora across the World: Homeland in History, Memory, Imagination, Media, and Reality ed Eun-Jeong Han, Min Wha Han and JongHwa Lee, Lexington Books 2019
- Jessica Walton: Korean Adoptees and Transnational Adoption: Embodiment and Emotion, Routledge 2019
- Kimberly McKee: Disrupting Kinship: Transnational Politics of Korean Adoption in the United States, University of Illinois Press 2019
- Nicole Chung: All You Can Ever Know, Catapult 2018
- Julayne Lee: Not My White Savior: A Memoir in Poems, Rare Bird Books 2018
- Arissa H Oh: To Save the Children of Korea: The Cold War Origins of International Adoption, Stanford University Press 2015
- SooJin Pate: From Orphan to Adoptee: U.S. Empire and Genealogies of Korean Adoption, University of Minnesota Press 2014
- Kristi Brian: Reframing Transracial Adoption: Adopted Koreans, White Parents, and the Politics of Kinship, Temple University Press 2012
- Eleana J Kim: Adopted Territory: Transnational Korean Adoptees and the Politics of Belonging, Duke University Press 2010
- John D Palmer: The Dance of Identities: Korean Adoptees and Their Journey toward Empowerment, University of Hawai'i Press 2010
Ceramic Exhibition: Onggi Hangari, at Project Ability, Glasgow
A meaningful exhibition by an adoptee: Onggi Hangari 3 October – 16 November 2019 Project Ability | 103 Trongate | Glasgow G1 5HD | Reception 3 October, 6 – 8pm | Tea ceremony 4 October, 1 – 2pm Gallery hours Tuesday-Saturday 10am – 5pm Korean Style Pottery by Korean Overseas Adoptee Yoonet (Christina Soo … [Read More]
A look back at the 2018 literary year
A look back at the books and literary events of the year – and a summary of my reading diary. Literature in translation In translated fiction, my reading this year has not managed anywhere near to keep pace with the amount of translations being published. I know I said the same in respect of 2017 … [Read More]
An adoptee returns to her home town
Bella Frey, who recently reviewed The Return – the closing film of LKFF 2018 – tells us about her own personal return earlier this year. A tale of the unexpected… My head is still swimming from my recent trip to Korea. It was in part planned to be a personal pilgrimage to re-visit places from … [Read More]
Festival Film Review: The Return
I was as delighted as I was surprised when I saw that the London Korean Film Festival had selected The Return for its closing gala screening. The huge numbers of overseas adoptions from Korea is often a sidelined subject and understandably wouldn’t be a natural choice when showcasing Korean culture and arts. But the 2018 … [Read More]
[Derry] Premiere of Douglas Gordon’s ‘Portrait of Janus: divided states’
This year the KCCUK is really living up to its name: though based in London, it covers the whole UK. This looks really interesting, and I hope we get a screening and performance in London in due course. Douglas Gordon ‘Portrait of Janus: divided states’ Friday 9 November 2018, 18:30 – 21:00 St Columb’s Hall … [Read More]
Twinsters story comes to the Kindle
Those of you who have been following the story of identical twins Anais Bordier and Samantha Futerman will be pleased to know that their story will be available on Kindle at the end of this month or hardcover next month. The title is Separated @ Birth: A True Love Story of Twin Sisters Reunited. The … [Read More]
Twinsters featured in Metro
The heartwarming story of two identical twins from Busan being adopted and brought up in separate continents made it into London freesheet the Metro yesterday. Samantha and Anais, having successfully raised $30,000 for phase 1 of an autobiographical documentary project on Kickstarter, are now looking to raise $80,000 for post-production. They are over a quarter … [Read More]
Twinsters book deal announced
That sure is fast work: Twinsters Sam Futurman and Anais Bordier have signed a deal for the book of the film – and the film isn’t even made yet. According to AP, Penguin’s US affiliate G.P Putnam’s Sons will be publishing the memoir, which will be coming out in late 2014 – in time for … [Read More]
Twinsters – what a compelling story
On February 21, 2013, Samantha, an American actor living in Los Angeles, received a message via Facebook that would drastically change her life. It was from Anaïs, a French fashion design student living in London. Anaïs’ friends viewed a YouTube video featuring Samantha. They were immediately blown away by the identical appearance of Samantha & … [Read More]
Couleur de peau: Miel, aka Approved for Adoption, screens at Leeds Young Film Fest
If it wasn’t for the fact that London has a date with Moon So-ri this Thursday, I’d be leaving work early, getting on a train to Leeds and sitting down to watch this film. I do hope it comes to London at some stage. It’s the animated autobiography of a Korean adoptee in Belgium. Korean … [Read More]
Francesca Cho’s Deli eXhibits
A couple of years ago the BBC was speculating that Deptford, a neglected corner of South-East London next to Greenwich, was becoming the new Paris: ancient churches, markets, pavement cafes and the Laban Dance Centre combine to create a cultural zone that’s well worth a visit, while the Deptford Dame and Deptford is… blogs provide … [Read More]
Korean adoptee elected to French senate
A Korean adoptee has been elected to the French senate for the Green Party. There are around 12,000 Korean adoptees in France. [Read More]
Cosy Korean Cooking with Kie-jo
For over a decade now our little group of UK based Korean adoptees have hoped that we could find someone to teach us how to make our favourite Korean dishes. We love meeting up and eating at our generously sponsored lunches but in the weeks between our lunches, and if we can’t make it that … [Read More]
In-Sook Chappell’s This Isn’t Romance gets BBC broadcast
Two years ago LKL thoroughly enjoyed the debut showing of a play by Korean adoptee writer In-Sook Chappell. This Isn’t Romance tells the story (not autobiographical) of a Korean adoptee returning to Seoul to track down her family. It’s a moving and emotionally charged play which is at times disturbing as well. Chappell’s play has … [Read More]
New Adoptee study: The Dance of Identities
Recently published by University of Hawai’i Press: The Dance of Identities: Korean Adoptees and Their Journey toward Empowerment Author: Palmer, John D. Korean adoptees have a difficult time relating to any of the racial identity models because they are people of color who often grew up in white homes and communities. Biracial and nonadopted people … [Read More]