London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

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Selected publications

Event news: Connect North Korea’s 1st monthly meet-up

As trailed at a meeting in New Malden back in April, a monthly series of informal meet-ups giving opportunities to help North Korean refugees with their English language skills. Register via Eventbrite for the first meet-up. Official Launch: Connect: North Korea’s 1st Monthly Meet-Up Sat 29 July 2017, 10:30 – 13:00 Richmond Park (exact venue … [Read More]

Minister Thae moves south

Here are a few links relating to Minister Thae Yong-ho’s defection. Minister Thae was the cultural attache at the DPRK embassy in London, and according to reports effectively the deputy head of mission. At LKL, we came across him during the second art exhibition held at the embassy back in 2014. He was probably there … [Read More]

Award for Korean Information Centre Co-founder

Congratulations to Bona Shin of the Korean Information Centre in New Malden for winning the Mayor’s Community Award for outstanding service to the Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames. The award was presented on 31 March 2016. The Korean Information Centre opened on 2 February last year with the aim of building a healthier and happier Korean … [Read More]

Refugee Week: North Koreans Living in the UK

An upcoming event sponsored by the European Alliance for Human Rights in North Korea: Refugee Week: North Koreans Living in the UK Date: June 18, 2015 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Venue: Manor Park Hall, 316b Malden Road, KT3 6AU [Map] Tickets: Entry is free, but donations are welcome. Join us on Thursday, June 18 for … [Read More]

The Korean Information Centre is launched

Theatre for All’s ambitious project, the Korean Information Centre (KIC), has been set up to help the Korean community by increasing access to information and to promote integration. Aim: To build a healthier and happier Korean community by transcending cultural barriers. Objectives: To integrate with the local community To increase access to information To empower … [Read More]

The experience of North Koreans in New Malden

A panel session about the experiences of North Korean defectors in New Malden is at first sight a strange event to promote as part of an arts festival. But the 7th New Malden Arts Festival overlaps with Malden Fortnight, a celebration of New Malden’s varied community, of which Koreans are of course a significant part. … [Read More]

The life of North Koreans in New Malden

As part of the 7th New Malden Arts Festival (19th July ~ 2 August 2014), Theatre4All are presenting an evening focusing on the lives of North Koreans in New Malden. Life of North Koreans in New Malden Malden Centre | Blagdon Road | New Malden | KT3 4TA Saturday 26 July 2014 7:30pm ~ 9:00pm … [Read More]