With the emphasis on electronic sounds rather than compositional inspiration, this is not a recommendable album. The robotic drum machine, brainless key shifts and silly noises do not make for engaging listening. BoA’s voice is nothing remarkable, a bit nasal – though not unpleasant. Perhaps the video is worth watching, but I’m not going to rush to search it out.
The first track to be not totally dreadful is the ballad track (track 3) Waiting, thanks to Kangta’s input as composer, and the slightly funky Shy Love (track 4) with a contribution from rapper Rize is more than just bearable, if only the arranger hadn’t used that shimmery tinkly thing. Day, with its electronic voice effects, should be skipped over. BoA’s own composition, Dear my love, is an easy-going number which shows off what her voice can do, but it’s a shame they couldn’t find a saxophonist who could play up to pitch.
If you have to play one track from this lactlustre album, go for P.O.L. (Power of Love), composed by S.Y.M, which has a catchy tune, whose electronic beats are offset by the harpsichord stop on the keyboard. But seriously, don’t bother with forking out good money for this.