London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

February meeting of the British Korean Women’s Society

Notice of the first informal meeting of the British Korean Women’s Society this year:

Monday 13 February 2012
In and Out Club, 4 St James’s Square, London, SW1Y 4JU.

In and Out Club

The British Korean Women’s Society is a recently formed organisation. It grew out of a series of requests for help and advice from Korean women in the UK, which were originally received by the ROK embassy and forwarded on to people who the embassy thought might be able to help.

The principle objectives of the BKWS are as follows:

  • To share the British experience and knowledge with new members who have recently arrived in the UK.
  • To address the issues concerning Korean women and their families in the UK.
  • To promote communication and mutual understanding among Korean and British communities and to advance the cultural, economic and educational development of its members
  • To promote, preserve and contribute to Korean culture in Great Britain.
  • To promote charitable work in order to give aid to Korean women and children

There will be an informal meeting at 12 noon, followed by lunch (at which everyone pays their own way). All women who support our objectives are welcomed to attend. Please contact Sylvia Park. Email: [email protected]. Tel: 07802 858 771

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