News of Hanmi Gallery’s 10th Interim Exhibition:
In the Details
Friday 23 March – Friday 6 April 2012
Hanmi Gallery is pleased to announce its 10th interim exhibition ‘In the details’, presenting new work by Locco Lee and Robert Lye. The exhibition brings together two artists who each focus on particular aspects of their environments, acting either to make the distant intimate, or the personal altogether foreign.
Hydromancy develops Locco’s fascination with process, and the translation of the ungraspable and immaterial into the tangible and personal. For this new work, four individual speaker dishes holding a shallow pool of water are each set to vibrate at a unique frequency emitted by a planet in our solar system. These beyond-worldly pulsations form intricate patterns on the surface of the water, meticulously transcribed into elaborate ink drawings at the hand of the artist. In this manner, sound is perceived and made visible; it is invited to occupy the same space in which the viewer stands, occasioning us to re-situate our encounters with the space that surrounds us.
Robert Lye’s new video work The Whipping Boy is drawn out of a similarly acute awareness of his surroundings. Building upon a series of field recordings, Lye provides us with a sensitive study of his domestic environs. The obsessive thoroughness with which the camera pauses over resonant detailing is matched by Lye’s concentrated approach to listening. Placing the background at the centre, he tunes into everyday sounds that often pass unnoticed and, in confining our attention to them, makes them strange and unfamiliar. The effect is accentuated by punctuations in the illusion of video, and recordings that are deliberately blemished by the artist’s presence. On the ground floor, The Idiot Lantern, a sound work recorded through special microphones placed in the ears, mimics the aural experience of being in Dalston Shopping Centre. Both works extend his interest in the sense of place that sound can convey, and the subconscious associations it can generate.
Curated by Jessica Cerasi and Kyung An.