London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

British Korean Womens Society – inaugural event

The BKWS has had a number of invitation-only events over the past year or so. Now they are having their first public event. All welcome (including men, Korean or otherwise). An RSVP is required (and contribution to cover the catering costs):

BKWS HeaderBKWS committee would like to invite you and your friends to an inaugural event in support of Korean Women and Children in the UK.

6.30 pm for 7.00 pm
Tuesday 20th November 2012


Korean Cultural Centre
Grand Buildings
1, Northumberland Avenue
London WC2N 5EJ

Kayagum recital by Ji-Eun Jung

Korean finger buffet with wine
Cost: £15 per person

Please confirm your attendance by return email to [email protected].

Payment to be made:
A cheque payable to the
British Korean Women’s Society

Send to Or by bank transfer to
Sunok Phillips
6, Charles Harrod Court
2 Somerville Avenue
SW13 8HH
Bankers: Barclays Plc
Account No: 0331 3484
Sort code: 20-47-34
Reference: Your Name

For further information please contact
Sylvia Park,
Tel 07802858771

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