London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

K-Fashion Odyssey at the KCC starts on 4 Feb

With Eudon Choi and J. JS Lee both showing on the first day of London Fashion Week, it’s a sign that the Koreans are definitely arriving. And coinciding with the week, the KCC’s first new exhibition of 2014 celebrates contemporary Korean fashion, featuring the designers Chloe Kim, Gigi Jeehyun Jung, Hyein Seo, Narae Park and Rejina Pyo.

K-Fashion Odyssey

24 February – 15 March 2014
Korean Cultural Centre UK, Grand Buildings, 1 – 3 Strand, London WC2N 5BW,
Curated by Sofia Hedman & Serge Martynow


The exhibition documents the explosion of creativity springing from young Korean designers, graduates of the most prestigious fashion schools across Europe. Through five varied installations presenting films, garments and headdresses, the exhibition offiers stories from the brightest, most exciting new wave of experimental artistic talents and their South Korean roots.


(automatically generated) Read LKL’s review of this event here.