London Korean Links

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Exhibition news: Valerie Beston Artists’ Trust: First Decade, at Marlborough Fine Arts

Korean artist Seung Ae Lee, a 2016 MA graduate from the Royal College of Art, was winner of the Valerie Beston Artists’ Trust award for this year. The VBAT prize is made up of four main elements, which are a SPACE studio for one year, a cash prize of £2,500 towards materials, an exhibition at the end of the year with Marlborough Fine Art, and support from a RCA tutor.

Seung Ae says of her work:

I make animations which explore the relationship between the drawn line, imaginative transformation and moving image. The animation features a series of erased drawing, images in the work are generated by form and matter and assembled in the manner of animation but leading nowhere in particular. It is magical and disturbing, providing a sense of destruction between the interior and exterior of the body.

It shows the erased traces of previous stage, and the movement of their completion is improvised, the trace of previous states is always cast upon movement in the present. The resulting animations last between six and nine minutes and are projected on a wall, delivering a sense of eternal transformation.

As a bonus, she gets to participate in a group exhibition celebrating the first ten years of the award, which starts this week, and details of which are below.

Valerie Beston Artists’ Trust: First Decade

9 September 2016 – 17 September 2016
Marlborough Fine Arts | 6 Albemarle Street | London W1S 4BY

Seung Ae Lee, A Bird, animation drawing, 7mins, 2015
Seung Ae Lee, A Bird, animation drawing, 7mins, 2015

Valerie Beston Artists’ Trust: First Decade celebrates the work of the first ten artists to be awarded the prize in a commemorative group exhibition.

The Valerie Beston Artists’ Trust was established in 2006 following the death of Miss Valerie Beston, a former director of the gallery, to support artists at the beginning of their careers. The charity has collaborated with the Royal College of Art to award an annual prize to a postgraduate Painting student.

Curator Catherine Lampert and Gallerist Pilar Ordovas have selected the winners from the RCA Summer degree show. The prize comprises a studio for a year at SPACE, a financial contribution towards materials, tutorial support provided by the RCA and an exhibition at the end of the year. Lampert observes “Now that ten years have passed, the common quality seems to be their distinctive voices and confidence”.

By bringing together all ten recipients: Laura Oldfield Ford (2007), Lydia Gifford (2008), Caroline Walker (2009), Gareth Cadwallader (2010), Nicholas Pankhurst (2011), Matthew La Croix (2012), Katrin Koskaru (2013), Jonathan Lux (2014), David Cyrus Smith (2015) and Seung Ae Lee (2016) the exhibition offers an opportunity to reassess each artist’s development.
