Coinciding with the UK-Korea cultural season, Korean artist Geumhyung Jeong has a residency at Delfina Foundation which will culminate in an exhibition later this year.
Geumhyung Jeong residency
3 April – 25 June 2017
Delfina Foundation | 29-31 Catherine Place | London SW1E 6DY
Geumhyung Jeong (South Korea) is a choreographer and performance artist. In her work, she constantly negotiates the relationship between the human body and the things surrounding it. Through intense, risky interactions with her own body, she bestows a bizarre, disconcerting life upon plain, everyday objects. Geumhyung explores the potential of the body – its sensuality, power to change its surroundings, and ability to undergo transformations through the power of desire. Her projects combine dance and puppetry and bring attention to technical aspects of theater.
Her works have been exhibited and performed at the Atelier Hermès in Seoul, New Museum Triennial in New York; the Zürcher Theater Spektakel in Zurich; Malta Festival in Poznan, SPIEL ART Festival in Munich; ImpulsTanz Festival in Vienna; Contemporary Art Museum of Ujazdowski in Warsaw; Württembergischer Kunstverein in Stuttgart; and PACT Zollverein in Essen.
(automatically generated) Read LKL’s review of this event here.