DEAN and 2xxx! return to London bringing Juseon, Rad Museum and Reone:
Capsule Live in London: DEAN, 2xxx!, Juseon, Rad Museum, & Reone
Islington Assembly Hall | Upper Street | Islington | London N1 2UD
Sunday 18 March 2018, 20:00–23:30
Tickets available hereSPECIAL GUEST OPENER: PREP
DEAN is a superstar. He’ll make history when he brings Capsule Live to London.
– Price/ticket – £180
– Quantity – Extremely Limited
– First to enter the venue at 8:00pm.
– Individual meet and greet
– You will get a poster of the event signed by all the members of you.will.knovv that perform this night.
– One (1) picture with all the members of you.will.knovv that perform this night and just you!
– First to enter the venue and select a space in front of the stage or a seat on the balcony.
* No pictures or videos with personal cameras or cellphones.
* Additional Note: You won’t need to line up early because of the EXTREMELY limited quantity you are guaranteed to be right in front. However, you do not want to miss the doors for this. I would plan to arrive at 7:30pm to make sure you have time to get your spot in front and are ready to enter as soon as the doors open for this tier.VIP:
– Price/ticket – £95
– Quantity – Very Limited
– Early Entry after VVIP at 8:00pm
– Group picture with all the members of you.will.knovv that perform this night in a group with 10 rebels.
– Next to enter the venue and select viewing space on the floor or in an individual seat on the balcony
* No autographs, no pictures, and no videos with personal cameras or cellphones.EARLY ENTRY:
– Price/ticket – £45
– Early entry at 8:50pm before GA but after VVIP and VIP.GA:
– Price/ticket – £35
– General Admission, Doors open at 9pmDEAN instagram: @deantrbl
2xxx! instagram: @twotriplex
Juseon instagram: @jjuusseenn
Rad Museum instagram: @radmuseum
Reone instagram: @reonelol