Three years ago Kayageum player Choi Jin give a well-received concert at SOAS. She returns to these shores on 11 November to participate in a concert and workshop in Liverpool, courtesy of Gugak FM. She is joined by the duo Su: m, who played at the British Museum this time last year. The 21st Century … [Read More]
Musician: Choi Jin
Concert notes: Choi Jin at SOAS
Concerts at SOAS always seem to have a good turn-out. Monday (19 November) was no exception when Choi Jin and colleagues presented a programme of modern compositions and arrangements of music for traditional Korean instruments. Keith Howard provided some informative introductions to the music to be performed, which provided useful context as well as some … [Read More]
Event news: Kayagum and dance at SOAS
As part of the SOAS autumn concert series there’s a kayagum recital, with traditional and contemporary dance, on 19 November at 7pm. Choi Jin (최진) : Evocative Korean Kayagum and Dance Choi Jin is one of the most brilliant kayagum players in the Korean music world. As a well-known performer, she has given many concerts … [Read More]