London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

K-music 2023: Soojin Suh & Kit Downes

Korean creative force, experimental drummer Soojin Suh brings her Chordless Quartet for a collaboration with acclaimed keyboardist Kit Downes. The concept behind the Soojin Suh Chordless Quartet is to explore freedom from all polyphonic instruments as a metaphor for freedom in society. Recent releases by the quartet include 2018’s critically acclaimed Strange Liberation and its 2021 follow-up, Roots … [Read More]

A review of the Korean cultural year 2021

Each year when I come to write this review, I wonder whether Korean culture in the West has reached its high water mark. And every year so far I’ve come to the same conclusion. Korean music and film, TV and food continue to win admirers, and we can expect to see it continue to thrive … [Read More]

K-music 2021: the official press release

Last year, despite the lockdown, the K-music festival presented is with a huge range of talent via its online concerts. Many of the acts that we heard for the first time last year will now be making their way over to London (and Norwich) so that we can experience them live. There’s a real feast … [Read More]

K-music 2020: the official press release

Despite the pandemic, Serious and the KCCUK have arranged a great line-up for K-music this year. Bookended by live performances to open and close the festival, there’s a range of exciting online performances which involve new collaborations between favourite K-music artists from the past as well as some new names. We’ve already posted about the … [Read More]

K-music: Near East Quartet + Kyungso Park

The penultimate concert of the 2018 K-music festival is a collaboration between composer / kayageum player Kyungso Park – who performed with Andy Sheppard during K-music 2016 – and jazz / fusion band Near East Quartet: Near East Quartet + Kyungso Park Monday 19 November 2018, 7:45pm | Buy tickets Purcell Room | Belvedere Road … [Read More]