London Korean Links

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THe ThE Band: 4th album

THe ThE Band 4th album (더더밴드)Highly listenable-to guitar-based pop / rock. Both electric and acoustic guitars. THe The Band write all their own stuff, so it’s music that suits them. And they have also decided that the first of the H’s in their name should be capitlised.

Not that I’m a great expert, but the sound of the band seems quite British. Those comfortable with Oasis and ColdPlay should like this band. But the lead singer of this band doesn’t try to distort her voice like so many brit singers. No whiny nasal sound; and if she’s affecting some trendy accent (what is the Korean equivalent of a midatlantic drawl?) I can’t tell. It’s a pleasant, slightly husky sound. It’s not a strong voice, so she’s close-miked, providing an intimate effect. A couple of anthem-like numbers; some quieter ones (such as the 7th track, Alice). Nothing too upbeat; nothing too downbeat; just pleasant, thoughtful music.
