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North Korea – New Approaches

Chatham House-500

Received from Chatham House:

The 8th International Conference on North Korean Human Rights & Refugees

January 22, 2008 – London, UK

Venue: Chatham House — The Royal Institute of International Affairs
10 St James’s Square, London SW1Y4LE

Language of proceedings: Korean/English

Tuesday, 22 January, 2008

09:00 Registration (Chatham House, 10 St James’s Square, London SW1Y 4LE)

09:15 Opening Session (Conference Room — Chatham House)

Welcoming Remarks
Dr Robin Niblett, Director, Chatham House
Jan Ramstad, Chairman, The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights, Norway

Keynote Speech
Kjell Magne Bondevik, Former Prime Minister, President, Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights, Norway

Opening Speech
Stephen Lillie, Head of Far Eastern Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK

10:15-12:30 Discussion 1
A. Changing Perceptions in North Korea

Jim Hoare, Former UK Ambassador to Pyongyang,UK
Political Leadership of North Korea, Professor Dae-Sook Suh, USA

Culture and Music in the DPRK, Cheol Woong Kim, North Korean Pianist, ROK

Scientific and Technical Cooperation with the DPRK, Maurizio Martellini, Professor, Secretary General, Landau Network-Centro Volta, Italy

Aidan Foster-Carter, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Sociology & Modern Korea, Leeds University, UK

12:30- 14:00 Luncheon (Chatham House)
Welcoming Speech: Carl Gershman, President, NED

14:00 — 16:30 Discussion 2
B. North Korea’s Path to Development. Socio-Economic Rights. Investments

Dr. Rüdiger Frank, Professor of East Asian Economy & Society,
University of Vienna, Austria
Atypical transitions from Communist Central Planning: in Search of Clues, Jan Winiecki, Professor of Economics, Expert on Centrally Planned Economies and Economic Transition, University of Information Technology and Management Rzeszow, Poland

Investments and their Socio-Economic Impact, Paul French, Access Asia, China

Humanitarian Assistance Experiences in the DPRK, Hwan-Cheol Youn, Director, Korea Peace Institute, ROK

Discussion: Geir Helgesen, Senior Researcher, NIAS, Denmark
Myeong-ho Park, Captain, North Korean Air Force, ROK

16:30 Break (Tea/Coffee)

16:45 — 19:30 Discussion 3
C. Helsinki Process in Northeast Asia?

Peter M. Beck, Executive Director, U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea

Why we need a Helsinki process with a Korean face, Lord David Alton, Chair, British-North Korea All-Party Parliamentary Group, House of Lords, UK

The Emerging Architecture of Security and Cooperation in Northeast Asia, James E. Goodby, Former U.S. Ambassador, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA

North Korean Human Rights in Reform Policy: Search for Multilateral Approach Referring to “Human Dimension” of Helsinki Process, Man-ho Heo, Professor, Kyungpook National University, Director of Research, Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, ROK

19:30 Closing Remarks
Benjamin H. Yoon, Representative, Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, ROK

19:45 Reception hosted by Organizers (Chatham House)
Reception Opening: Changrok Soh, Dean, Korea University GSIS, ROK

Contact with Coordinator of the Conference:
Joanna Hosaniak
Head of International Cooperation Team
Coordinator of the 8th International Conference North Korea New Approaches
Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights
Room 301, Shimji Bldg. 10-22 Gyobuk-dong,
Chongno-gu, Seoul 110-090, South Korea
Tel 82-2-723-1672 // Fax 82-2-723-1671
[email protected]; [email protected]

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