London Korean Links

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Beautiful Fake at I-MYU

I-MYU’s first show of the Autumn is Beautiful Fake – a solo exhibition by Zinoo Park, who studied design at the Royal College of Art.

Zinoo Park solo show

From the press release:

I-MYU Projects is pleased to present works by Korean artist Zinoo Park. Crossing the borders between fine art and design, Zinoo Park constructs playful, subversive and confrontational work infused with popular culture references that question ideas of function and aesthetics. Working consistently with repeated motifs, most notably that of a Coca Cola bottle, Park not only draws in originating pop works from the mid 50s, but pulls iconic designs into a new era of consumption and high street obsession. Many of his works are marked as ‘fake’ adopting designer systems of logo to undercut conceptual agendas that run back to Magritte’s declaration ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’ in which he questioned what he termed ‘the treachery of images’.

Park’s work animates visual and physical spaces with bold motifs common to the everyday experience of the high street and top-end fashion retailing. His projects include interior and exterior light facades for fashion stores and designs for interior spaces. Manipulating multiples he constructs sculptural works that obsess between the public and the private, drawing humour from design that is both familiar and readily disposable. Park’s bold, colourful works describe a global economy of visual language rich in cultural signifiers.

20 September – 04 October 2008
Tuesday-Saturday 12-6pm or by appointment
I-MYU, 23 Charlotte Road, London, EC3A 3PB
