Here are the events for December.
Featured event
- Yi Chul-jin is in London for a not-to-be-missed performance of Seungmu and Salp’uri at Roehampton on 2 December, with a more modern dance from Nam Young-ho.
- The Korea Discussion Group at Chatham House on 1 December features Song Jiyoung on Military-First politics in the DPRK.
- Michael Shin talks at the Friday evening seminar at SOAS on the novel Jaesaeng by Yi Gwangsu, 4 December.
- The KCC exhibition “Supervisions” opens on 3 December
- Sesame gallery has two Koreans participating in their group show, Wunderkammer, from 4 December
- The regular fortnightly screenings at the KCC will continue. More info soon.