It’s at or near the top of many people’s list of the best Korean weepie films. You can judge for yourself on Thursday 22 July at the KCC. One thing’s for certain: Cecilia Chung is very pretty.
7pm, Thursday 22nd July 2010
Director: Song Hae-sung
Cast: Choi Min-sik, Cecilia Chung
Genre: Drama / Romance
Certificate: 15 (South Korea)
Running Time: 115 mins
Venue: The Korean Cultural Centre UK Ground Floor, Grand Buildings 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5BW
RSVP: Booking is required, please email [email protected] or call 020 7004 2600 to reserve your place. Admission is free.The Film
Kang-jae is a third-rate thug whose only joy in life is playing games at the local arcade. Unlike his buddy who is now the head of a local organisation, all he has to show for his life of petty crime is a small video store. Kang-jae is a push-over and gets pushed around by neighbourhood punks.
One day, he is offered a deal he cannot refuse. To the hope-filled Kang-jae, a letter arrives. It reads: Dear Kang-jae. Thank you for giving me a chance to live in Korea. Everyone here is so nice. But you are the nicest of them all for marrying me. Marriage….Wife….Failan….? Kang-jae had a wife, a wife he had forgotten that he had married. In fact, he had married her for a measly amount of money in exchange for Korean residency. A contractual marriage. A simple letter will make Kang-jae realise the meaning of life, love and fate…
Source: KMDB
We hope you will join us for this night, the second in our Love Story: Who Are You? theme running throughout July. To reserve your place please rsvp to [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 7004 2600. Admission is free.
Please be advised that visitors cannot be admitted after 7.10pm.
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