London Korean Links

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Failan to screen at the KCC

It’s at or near the top of many people’s list of the best Korean weepie films. You can judge for yourself on Thursday 22 July at the KCC. One thing’s for certain: Cecilia Chung is very pretty.


7pm, Thursday 22nd July 2010

Director: Song Hae-sung
Cast: Choi Min-sik, Cecilia Chung
Genre: Drama / Romance
Certificate: 15 (South Korea)
Running Time: 115 mins
Venue: The Korean Cultural Centre UK Ground Floor, Grand Buildings 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5BW
RSVP: Booking is required, please email [email protected] or call 020 7004 2600 to reserve your place. Admission is free.

The Film

Kang-jae is a third-rate thug whose only joy in life is playing games at the local arcade. Unlike his buddy who is now the head of a local organisation, all he has to show for his life of petty crime is a small video store. Kang-jae is a push-over and gets pushed around by neighbourhood punks.

One day, he is offered a deal he cannot refuse. To the hope-filled Kang-jae, a letter arrives. It reads: Dear Kang-jae. Thank you for giving me a chance to live in Korea. Everyone here is so nice. But you are the nicest of them all for marrying me. Marriage….Wife….Failan….? Kang-jae had a wife, a wife he had forgotten that he had married. In fact, he had married her for a measly amount of money in exchange for Korean residency. A contractual marriage. A simple letter will make Kang-jae realise the meaning of life, love and fate…

Source: KMDB

We hope you will join us for this night, the second in our Love Story: Who Are You? theme running throughout July. To reserve your place please rsvp to [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 7004 2600. Admission is free.

Please be advised that visitors cannot be admitted after 7.10pm.

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