London Korean Links

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Se-mi Hwang with PERC’M in RCM Percussion Showcase

The first Korea-related concert of the new year features Stuttgart-based percussionist Se-mi Hwang:

Percussion Showcase

Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall | Royal College of Music | Prince Consort Road | London SW7 2BS
17 January 2018, 7:30pm
Tickets £5 | Book here


Se-Mi Hwang percussion

Keiko Abe: The Wave
Minoru Miki: Marimba Spiritual
JS Bach: Prelude no 6 in D minor (arranged for solo marimba)
John Psathas: One Summary

Celebrating the marimba, our thrilling showcase sees the RCM’s own percussion quartet PERC’M join forces with rising-star percussionist Se-Mi Hwang. Hear the sounds of the Orient in two pieces by Japanese composers, contrasted with an arrangement of a Bach prelude and John Psathas’ cutting-edge work for marimba and ‘junk percussion’.
