London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Moon Kim’s The Waiting Room, at Space Theatre Canary Wharf

Recommended. We briefly reviewed the Camden Fringe performance here, but as noted below, this Canary Wharf production is “remixed” and has a different director.

Moon Kim’s The Waiting Room, at Space Theatre Canary Wharf

Date: Wednesday 2 October - Saturday 5 October 2024, 7:30pm + Saturday matinee 3:30pm
The Space | 269 Westferry Road | Canary Wharf | London E14 3RS | | [Map]

Tickets: £16/£12 | Buy tickets here

The Waiting Room - poster

Welcome to my room, I’m so happy you’re here. Let me tell you all about Cactus and how wonderful she is.

But please don’t leave me.

A story from a Korean perspective that transcends culture. This is a story about love and longing. A story that you cannot afford to miss.

‘The Waiting Room’ was recently performed at Camden People’s theatre where had a week long run of successful performances. The show has been remixed for ‘The Space’ and will be a new experience for people who have previously seen the show.