London Korean Links

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Myosung Breaks Convention

For the past few years, Sadlers Wells theatre has hosted a breakdancing fest over the Mayday bank holiday weekend. And for the past few years I have only realised it was happening after it was over. This year, I’ve done slightly better (realising it is going on half way through), thanks to the Weekend FT, whose dance reviewer, Clement Crisp, is a big b-boy fan.

Of course, wherever there’s a B-boy convention, there’s bound to be a Korean crew, and Breakin’ Convention 2009 is no exception. This year’s visitors are Myosung

MyoSung brought the house down at last year’s Breakin’ Convention with their witty yet powerful take on life lived under a regime against a soundtrack as diverse as Pagannini to Gotan Project.

MyoSung has become a troupe renowned for the gravity-bending, awe-inspiring physical movements that have brought Korea’s urban dancers the notoriety they deserve.

The video below may or may not work [Not]. If not, you can see it on the Sadlers Wells site, which also gives details of Myosung’s UK tour during May, which spans the island from Plymouth to Edinburgh. If you’re quick, you can also get tickets for their performance tonight, entitled The Revolution will not be Supervised.

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