London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

June Events 2010

Present from the Past

Here are the events in June that I know about. Please let me know what I’ve missed.

Featured event

  • This month marks the 60th anniversary of North Korea’s invasion of the South in 1950, and the theme at the Cultural Centre this month is the Korean War. Forty Korean artists have been commissioned to provide works inspired by the themes of that war in an exhibition entitled Present from the Past, commencing 16 June. The works will later be auctioned to benefit British Korean War veterans.
  • The KCC’s Thursday film screenings are planned to be run weekly this month, again following a Korean War theme. However, given the current tensions with the North, programmes may be subject to change. Check the KCC’s upcoming screenings page for up-to-date info

Other exhibitions

Talks and seminars

Classical music

  • Violinist Sulki Ju plays Brahms in Kingston on 26 June


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