Here are the events I know of for April. Let me know what I’ve missed.
- Shin Meekyoung’s Translation finishes at the Haunch of Venison on 2 April
- Monologues continues at the KCC all month
- Get totally immersed in Unsuk Chin at the Barbican on 9 April, all day
- Keith Howard brings drums and daegeum to the KCC for some jazz / gugak fusion, 11 April
- The London premiere of Jeajoon Ryu’s Sinfonia da Requiem for Chung Ju-yung is at the Cadogan Hall on 12 April.
- Sarah Chang plays Bruch at the Festival Hall on 21 April.
- Kiejo’s cookery classes are every Saturday except the 23rd. Contact kiejosarsfield at hotmail dot co dot uk for details
- Colour slides of Korea in the 1950s will be shown at the KCC on 12 April.
- The KCC’s first film of the month, My Love My Bride, (Lee Myung-se, 1990) is on 14 April
- Further ahead – the Terracotta film fest is 5-8 May, which includes Petty Romance.