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The LKFF 1-minute mobile phone short film competition

A special event for budding Park Chan-wooks out there:

The London Korean Film Festival presents

The One Minute Mobile Phone Short Film Competition

Mobile Phone short film competition

Over the last two years there has been a boom in mobile phone technology which the filmmaking community has whole heartedly embraced. The use of camera phones and other mobile equipment particularly came to the forefront when Director Park Chan-wook released, Paranmanjang (Night Fishing).

To celebrate this LKFF is running a competition for anyone to enter a one minute short film, shot on a mobile phone. The film can be about anything you like with the top twenty being judged by a renowned Korean director. The winning film will screen alongside Park Chan-wook’s Paranmanjang at the Mise-en-scene short film selection at the ICA as well as a number of other great prizes to win. Please forward all submission to [email protected].

For more information on the competition please visit for the all rules and handy tips to get your film on the big screen.

Deadline Noon Monday 30th October 2011. We look forward to watching your one minute wonders.