London Korean Links

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Kim Munho: Buncheong Story, at Han Collection

News of Han Collection’s next exhibition:

Kim Munho: Buncheong Story

Exhibition: 15 – 28 November 2017
Opening night: 14th November 18:00-21:00
​Han Collection | 33 Museum Street | Bloomsbury | London WC1A 1LH |

Kim Munho poster

Han Collection is pleased to present this new solo exhibition of Korean pottery artist, Kim Mun Ho.

This exhibition is a celebration of all things pottery based, be it Kim’s unique traditional Korean houses, created using traditional Korean ‘Buncheong’ style of pottery, which Kim specialises in, or, be it his perfectly natural and effortless, tradition informed contemporary bowls, Kim Mun Ho’s work displays a wide range of talent and shows us all that some traditional techniques can, in a world of machines and AI, also still stand out to be the best.

This exhibition will showcase Kim Mun Ho’s popular and expressive, Bunchong Bowls, large plates, Bunchong bottles as well as large bowls, to name a few items, thus showing a breadth of talent and skill, which evokes the days of old Korea, whilst still managing to bridge the gap between contemporary and yet influenced by traditional techniques, style and sensibilities.