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Festival mini movie review: Love+Sling


A sporting rom-com involving a love triangle whose vertices are

  1. a well-meaning but over controlling single father (Yoo Hae-jin, 1987);
  2. his dutiful son (Kim Min-jae) who is obliging his father by training hard in the skill of greco-Roman wrestling; and
  3. the pretty girl next door (Lee Sung-kyung), who inconveniently and inexplicably fancies the father rather than the son;

sounds like a reasonable formula for a movie. Yu Hae-jin as the loving father, himself a retired wrestler, is pretty much centre stage throughout, full of energy and a somewhat in-your-face enthusiasm which at times becomes a little wearing. The movie is not going to send you away with any profound thoughts in your head, but sometimes you just want something easy to watch, and this will kill some time on the plane if there’s nothing else to divert your attention.

Kim Dae-woong (김대웅): Love+Sling (레슬러, 2018) score-2score-2score-0score-0score-0