A brief group show featuring young Korean artists based in London: Hey Siri, What am I doing? Safehouse 2 | 137 Copeland Rd | London SE15 3SN 30th Nov – 2nd Dec (PV Night: 29th Nov 18.00-21.00) Hey Siri, What am I Doing? -Keeping it real? Hey Siri, What are You Doing? -I was just … [Read More]
Artist: Lee Sang-woo
Sasapari returns with Voices of Korean Contemporary Artists: Butterfly Effect
It will be good to have Sasapari back after a gap of four years. Around fifty UK-based Korean artists will be showing their work at the Bargehouse: Voices of Korean Contemporary Artists: Butterfly Effect 3 – 6 May 2018, 10am – 6pm | Admission free Bargehouse | OXO Tower Wharf | Bargehouse Street | London SE1 … [Read More]