London Korean Links

Covering things Korean in London and beyond since 2006

Believing is Seeing, at Ffotogallery

News of an upcoming exhibition in Cardiff: Believing is Seeing Byung-Hun Min, Duck Hyun Cho, Hein-Kuhn Oh, Hyun Mi Yoo, Je Baak, Kyungwoo Chun, Seihon Cho 10 November – 17 December 2011 Ffotogallery, Chapter, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff, CF5 1QE Believing is Seeing introduces seven Korean artists who adopt different approaches to contemporary photography or … [Read More]

Guerrilla artists take on the establishment

In the north-east extremities of the City, on the fringes of bohemian Hoxton, is I-MYU, a small gallery on the first floor of a shared block. You need to ring the doorbell to gain admittance. Since its opening nearly two years ago, I-MYU has been championing the cause of Korean artists. Im Jeongae and Yu … [Read More]

Distinctively Korean sales at Christie’s

Coinciding with the interest in Korean art being generated by the Korean Eye: Moon Generation exhibition in the Saatchi gallery, Christie’s are holding an auction of contemporary photography on 1 July, in a sale which includes several Koreans who have featured on the pages of LKL. Probably the most eminent of the photographers represented is … [Read More]