After the trailer exhibition at START Art Fair 2019 and a full-scale exhibition at the Hermitage in St Petersburg, Korean Eye 2020 comes to the Saatchi Gallery, launching the autumn season of Korean cultural events in London. We understand that the exhibition will be slightly expanded towards the end of the month with the incorporation … [Read More]
Artist: Oak Jung-ho (옥정호)
A brief tour of the Korean galleries at Art 14
Korean artists and galleries put on a good show at Art14, and got plenty of attention from the press. Time Out spotted (they were hard to miss) Choi Jeong-hwa’s huge collection of colourful pieces which looked like giant hubble-bubbles, installed at Hong Kong’s Pearl Lam Galleries. Also recommended in the same article was 43 Inverness … [Read More]
Korean artists and galleries at Art14
As an addendum and recap to my post of last December, here are the galleries I know of who will be presenting Korean artists at Art14 (28 Feb – 2 Mar at Olympia Grand): Section Gallery Artists (if announced) London First 43 Inverness Street (London) Kim Ha-young, Oak Jungho Choi & Lager (Cologne) Lee Seahyun, … [Read More]
Jungho Oak’s extreme yoga and Sun Salutations
One of LKL’s favourite exhibitions of 2013 was Oak Jungho’s solo show at 43 Inverness Street. And that wasn’t just because at the opening viewing, if you sneaked into the kitchen and asked nicely, you were given a glass of single malt instead of the more usual wine or beer. Whisky, at a private view? … [Read More]
Jungho Oak at 43 Inverness Street
43 Inverness Street is hosting a solo show by Jungho Oak, from 4 October: Jungho Oak at 43 Inverness Street 4 October – 9 November PV 3 October 6~9pm 43 Inverness Street is pleased to present a solo exhibition by South Korean artist Jungho Oak. Jungho Oak will be presenting photographs and one single channel … [Read More]