The Liverpool Sound City website is, less than two weeks before the event, a bit light on detail as to the Korean bands attending and exact timing of the gigs. However, based on hearsay, some Facebook posts, a tweet from a record label and creatively joining the dots, the following bands (at least) should be … [Read More]
Event tag: Sound City
Zandari Festa showcase at Liverpool Sound City
Zandari Festa are showcasing six Korean bands at Liverpool Sound City this year. Keep checking the official Sound City website for the detailed schedule, but at time of writing it looks like the showcase will be sometime on Saturday 5 May in Constellations Garden. Zandari Festa Showcase Constellations Garden | 35 – 39 Greenland Street … [Read More]
Indie acts performing at the festivals in May and June
I’m rather late posting this – blame my trip to Korea – but here are the Korean acts performing at the various festivals in England and Wales in May and June. Many of the bands will pass through London for a quick gig en route. Listen to tracks from all the 14 acts in Shaun … [Read More]
Indie bands apear at KCCUK, the Windmill Brixton and Liverpool Sound City
Dead Buttons and Patients – who came to the UK last year – plus Third Stone will be performing at a rock showcase at the KCCUK on 19 May. All three bands will also be appearing at Liverpool Sound City Cavern Stage on 24 May along with Jambinai and Monoban. One day, surely, Jambinai will … [Read More]