I got an email yesterday from Dion Park at www.iKATV.com, asking for a plug. Happy to oblige. I visited the site and found it a bit baffling at first – all I could find was some brief and blurred YouTube videos. But Dion explained later that the website is still in prototype and is still two months away from its official launch, so I was expecting too much too soon.
Dion’s email signature reads as follows:
Interactive Korean American TV (iKATV) is Global Broadband Network Aimed at Korean-Americans and Korean Diaspora around the world with the intent of creating an international online networking creative community simultaneously promoting Korean culture through the Korean Renaissance in Korean Culture in Music, Film, and TV, Also for all those Korean-philes out there, since Korean film, TV, and music are the current trend-setters in Asia.
Sounds like a good mission statement, and I’m now really looking forward to this. So bookmark the site, keep your eyes open, and enjoy the service when it comes. I’ll put up another post when it launches.