Perhaps the highlight of October will be the strong Korean representation – including Secret Sunshine – at the BFI London Film Festival.
Full listing of Korean films showing is here.
On the academic front there’s
- The Korean Studies Graduate Students Convention in Edinburgh, 24-26 October
- Yuri Kim and Aidan Foster-Carter at Chatham House on 15 and 19 October respectively1
Art-wise, there’s Korean participation at the Bridge Art Fair in the Trafalgar Hotel, 11-14 October. Also, I-MYU projects open their gallery in EC2 with an exhibition including some of the same artists showing at the Bridge Art Fair. More details here.
The Anglo-Korean Society’s annual dinner at the House of Commons is 25 October. Get your cheques in to Sylvia Park soon.
The Korean language meetup group convenes on 20 October.
Pianist Ji-Yeoun You performs Schubert, Ravel, and Liszt on 4 October at the Lancaster Hall Hotel, W2.
If you happen to be on the continent, Rags in the Wind continues in Graz, while Korean-Japanese experimental music duo “10” is appearing in France and Spain.
And finally, advance notice of events at the beginning of November, details of which will no doubt become clearer over the coming weeks.
- Korean Film Festival at the Barbican, 2-9 November, followed by a tour to Warwick and Oxford.
- Hanbok exhibition at the Royal College of Arts, 3-8 November
- A Korean culture day at the V&A, 4 November
- Note that after a bit of uncertainty, the 19 October date for AFC’s talk is now confirmed. [↩]
The Barbican Korean Film Festival is rapidly filling up.
There are only about 15 seats available for the opener (Kim Ki-Duk’s “Breathe”)
Hope you managed to get a ticket. I managed to get one for Cyborg, but I’m not in town for Breath.